- the official site

Messages from Roger Glover

Family news

Family news

On Saturday 24th Aug 2009 I became a proud grandfather.

My daughter Gillian gave birth to a boy. Xavier is his name. Gillian, Travis and the baby are doing very well.

Good luck,



Pictures of Home

Pictures of Home

My girlfriend Myriam gave birth to our daughter Lucinda on the 27th June 2009. All doing well.

Good luck,



At The Festival Sur Le Niger 2009 With Gillian

At The Festival Sur Le Niger 2009 With Gillian

At the end of January 2009, I fulfilled a long-held desire to visit West Africa, having been drawn to African music in general for many years. It started in 1973 when I was turned on to an album called Musique de Burundi (Barclay Records, 1971) that made me want to discover more. Now, at the invitation of my daughter Gillian, who in 2008 had been to the Festival In The Desert (not far from Timbuktu) we traveled to Mali together.


Don Bernstine RIP

I am deeply saddened by the loss of my good friend, Don Bernstine.  

I met Don when I joined Rainbow in 1979 and he taught me so much about the business of music.  Employed by Bruce and Thames Talent he was in charge of promotion.  The first time we worked together was on Since You’ve Been Gone and it is with no small thanks to him that that song became what it did.  


The other day …

The other day …

The other day in England, by pure happenstance, there was an impromptu partial reunion of two bands that impacted my life immeasurably. Although I’ve seen all of them individually from time to time, it was the first time in 19 years that we were in the same room at the same time.

My first band in school was The Madisons (1961 – 1963).