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Messages from Roger Glover

Klaus “Pyro” Porzia

Klaus “Pyro” Porzia

I am deeply saddened by news of the sudden death of Klaus Porzia, better known as Pyro.

I sent a wreath to his funeral on behalf of Deep Purple. Over the years we had become friends and his photographs of our live shows were never less than superb. One of my favourite shots was one that he took a few years ago and generously gave to me to use as I wanted.


Farewell 2008

Life is dull I think it not Life is full and what a lot Of people places things and bits Enough to test a savant’s wits But through the cut and thrust somehow The push and pull of life must flow As we navigate this heaving sea We have no choice we cannot flee We’re stuck here just like all the rest Struggling with the greatest test To keep our heads above the water As our days and nights get shorter Life’s a snap I think it not But it’s all we’ve got

One more bit Make the best of it


This year has been one tumultuous and rapid year.


Ruminations at the end of a leg

If you think I’m going to sit here and look for words of complaint about the rapid passing of time, you’d be right.  I realise that the precious time spent with my mother before she passed away took a large chunk out of the year but even so, I find myself looking at September coming around when I had barely kissed goodbye to January. 


My sad news

My sad news

My sad news; my mother, Brenda Glover, passed away on the 10th June, 2008. She was 86 and spent two and a half years fighting cancer.

My life has been put on hold for the last three months as my sister Christine and I have been caring for her in her home in the UK.

I am deeply indebted to my band-mates for allowing me this time off.


March Update 2008

After the South American Tour, which went very well, I returned to the UK to help my sister Christine care for our mother, Brenda. She is nearly 86 and has been battling cancer for a few years. The whole family has been wonderfully supportive and my Mum is comfortable and happy, still laughing. I am happy to have some time off and spend it with her.