- the official site


RG documentary webcast not longer available

Craig Hooper from ITV1 Wales reports that the feature on RG had the most number of hits for any programme in the history of the website. The sad news is that the webcast is no longer available from their site. featured as site of the month is this months featured site on


Webcast of RG documentary available

ITV1 Wales are now webcasting edited highlights of their documentary on RG. (RealPlayer required.) Enjoy!


RG documentary on ITV1 Wales

A documentary on RG is being broadcast tonight on ITV1 Wales in the UK at 11pm. It’s a half-hour programme, filmed earlier this year. It features interviews with RG, his wife and mother, along with Ian Gillan and Ian Paice.

The National Newspaper of Wales, The Western Mail, have printed a full broadsheet-sized page article on RG written by Craig Hooper as part of the promotion for the programme.


Bass Player’s Question Time delay

All those holding their breath while waiting to see their questions answered, here’s a note from RG:  

To all those who have sent in questions, I apologize for the delay in replying. Don’t give up on me, I will get to all of them very soon. My time has been taken up trying to find the secret of life – I’ve made a few inroads but can’t report any significant advance.