Perusing the site even more …
Perusing the site even more, I find that you are as a humble a man can be, especially when given your credentials.. Of course, I could laud you with kudos, but I am sure you get plenty of those.
You have been, always, an inspiration to me, and the quintessential bassist. Just plain “cool” before cool was cool.
I particularly want to comment on your solo in “Gemini Suite” (BBC and Jon). Man, it is killer. I had the album, with the original cover of a fish head rising towards to moon, I believe, but through several divorces, have lost lots near and dear to me. Hell, lost guitars, amps, rigs, etc. Nasty stuff divorce. Just wondering if you might be able to enlighten us as to how that was done. Sounds as if you are thumbing the bass of the bass, while picking (fingers?) the melody/higher parts. Surely not double tracked..?
Thanks for any input. You the Man, Rog. Always have been, and always will be in my book.