- the official site

Hello Rog thanks for this …

Hello Rog,

thanks for this unique opportunity to ask you a couple of things!

1) Do you ever listen to DP albums recorded by other line-ups, without you being on board? If you do, what are your feelings?
2) Would you ever consider playing on one stage with Nick Simper or Glenn Hughes, for example if JL’s idea of a special DP show with all former members came to fruition?
3) What were your feelings when IG announced leaving the group in the 70’s? Did you initially intend to stay in the band regardless or did Ritchie immediately let you know he wanted to reverse everything?
4) What was your input in recording Big Ian’s “Cherkazoo”?
5) Are there any recordings of Joe Lynn Turner’s vocals to what later became “The Battle Rages On”? Or were all the tapes erased? It would be fascinating to listen to this stuff, just for comparison.
6) Didn’t the band feel irritated with the neverending tours after Jon decided to quit?
7) Did you do anything special to make Don feel comfortable in a new band? Do you both talk to each other about the times spent together in Rainbow?
8) Would IG allow you & Steve to do some backing vocals on the new DP album 🙂 ?
9) If Episode Six were to reunite for a one-off gig, would you play with them? Have you been in touch with any of E6 members?
10) Do you consider exchanging music files via internet a threat for music business or a means of promotion?
11) Would you agree for a meeting with the Polish DP Fan Club while playing in Poland?

That’s it for a good start 🙂
All the best, Roger, and hope to see you soon!
Warsaw, Poland