Hi Roger Congrats on the …
Hi Roger!
Congrats on the new site! I have a few questions.
1. Earlier Gillan talked about the next DP album as a possible concept album. After the Albert tour there where also talk about bringig a small string orcestra into the studio. Are those plans abandoned? Is it more like “let’s see what happens” now?
2. What made you choose Bradford as a producer? Will you write music with him, or just as the five of you?
3. Will you record the songs you wrote before Don became part of the band? (Long Time Gone, Up The Wall…)
4. Will you write in a jam situation, or do you write stuff individually before the sessions?
5. If you where asked and had the time off to do it, would you join a “reformed” Rainbow (with Dio) to do some gigs? Or would that be “disrespectful” to your role in DP?
All The Best!
Eirik Solum