- the official site

Messages from Roger Glover

J.J. Cale RIP

One evening in the early 70s, I was at my friend Kent’s place, down by the canal in Uxbridge, with Roger Brewer and Ron Quinten. We were relaxing, smoking some weed and listening to music, when I heard something that blew me away. It was an album called Naturally and I got completely taken with it. Every song was a masterpiece.



I have apologized to my band mates and I apologize to all that were at the Bonn concert, I am sorry I wasn’t there. I’m deeply indebted to Nick Fyffe for taking over at incredibly short notice.

I have a shoulder injury. Unfortunately, an attempt to relieve the discomfort unexpectedly had the opposite effect for a few days and I couldn’t use my arm.



Firstly, thank you for all the kind words you sent. I’ve been knocked sideways by the great reaction to Now What?! I kind of knew it was good but you never really know until people get to hear it and are interested enough to send feedback. I raise a glass to you.

I’m now back home after a memorable festival tour with DP in Morocco, Bulgaria, Georgia and Romania, where yet again I’m reminded of the power of music and how it connects all of us.


Memories Of Claude Nobs

Memories Of Claude Nobs

The day of the fire at the Montreux Casino was a day that changed all of our lives.  A day or so earlier, we had arrived in Montreux to be met by a charming gentleman by the name of Claude Nobs.  We’d been aware of him previously as the promoter when we played a couple of gigs in Montreux before.  Arriving in our hotel rooms we found welcome gifts from him – a couple of bottles of Swiss wine and a yellow tee shirt with the word Montreux on it.  


A Bittersweet Year

From winter in Canada to another winter in France.  In all, three months of touring, several hot months spent recording a new album, get the laundry done and that’s it; a year slips by.  A bittersweet year.

It was in the studio in Nashville that we heard about Jon.  It was a real blow to the body, even though we expected it.