- the official site

Messages from Roger Glover

The Third and Final STUDIO REPORT

Mon, 6 Apr 1998

The album is done. Sort of. It’s not really done until it’s in your sweaty hands of course, when there’s not a chance in Hell we can fiddle with it some more, at least not with current technology.

I suspect that at least some of it is palatable if not downright edible.

Once again, practically single-handedly, Darren Schneider did an heroic job.


The Second Studio Report 1997

21st. December 1997

Studio work is in pause mode.

Twelve songs are on the wing.

The backing tracks are shut up in cardboard boxes and stacked on a shelf somewhere, patiently awaiting completion.

There are several hundred album titles.

More than that I cannot add other than stating that the gigs we just played in Atlanta, Orlando, Pompano Beach, Myrtle Beach, New Orleans and Chicago were more fun than should be allowed.


The October Studio Report

23rd. October 1997

IG arrived in Orlando first, on 7th. September 1997, and the rest of us arrived in dribs and drabs. I dribbed in a few days later on the 9th. Sept to write with IG, IP drabbed in a few days after that, and JL dribbed and SM drabbed in about a week later. Anyway, the upshot of all this dribbing and drabbing is that the actual recording session started on the 19th.


The 1997 Studio Album – first report

We have completed a brief stay in Orlando, at the same location where _I_ was recorded. No title has yet been decided, although there are several on the table, one or two under the table, a few beneath the cushion of a cheap chair, one caught on the horn of a suspicious looking ram on a remote ranch in New Zealand (no idea how it got there!), four were inadvertently washed in some jeans, and US Customs seized seven.


And on the bass…

To all amdp-ers,

From the bottom of the pit of the lowest level of the furthest down, and below that, point of my heart I thank you all for your interest and support. (sorry, a bit overboard there). It’s your interest that’s gives me the chance to say and be heard, well read anyway, that Deep Purple has had a wonderful time this year and it’s due to people like you.