- the official site


Hi Roger Could ask you …

Hi Roger:

Could ask you a million questions, but I’ve learned quite a bit about Purple online. You still should write the official biography of the band when you have some spare time! You guys are still the best, and I wish more people would realize that. However, considering the quality of radio these days, it’s a wonder any of the great classic rock bands, still together, can stay alive.


Watching the wonderful Machine Head …

Watching the wonderful Machine Head DVD it occured to me to ask if you could confirm the long held rumour that Ritchie used a Vox AC30 not only on Machine Head but on all the Purple/Rainbow studio work.


Hello once again now I’ve …

Hello once again,
now I’ve got a question.
It was about 1984-88, the band was jamming in a studio, on the 7/4 time. Ian entered the room and started to sing, suddenly Blackmore burst into the room and started to play his riffs and to disturb you. Ian told him to stop, with no effect. Then the band joined Blackmore and Ian left the room (I think I needn’t tell you he was furious).


Hello RG If you do …

Hello RG,

If you do decide to do some solo tour dates to promote Snapshot, a suggestion for a West Coast stop would be The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano (1 hour south of LA). I think this would be a good venue for you and your band. Don’t take my word though! You can always ask Steve Morse, who usually plays there with the Dregs around the NAMM show.


Hi Roger Deep Purple is …

Hi Roger,

Deep Purple is my favourite band and I think this is the best rock band ever.
Thank you for your great music.
I wanted to ask you about “The House Of Blue Light” album. I love it and I know, that you also like this one (I’ve read some of your interviews). Why don’t you play some songs from
this album live?