- the official site


How does it feel to …

How does it feel to be a part of the first rock band to play in China?


Hi Roger First I want …

Hi Roger,

First I want you to know that I am a big fan of Deep Purple and have been following the music since 1968. I own all 17 studio albums and several compilation ,live and videos works. I was lucky to have met Nick B. in 1998 and have remained in contact with him since then. I would love to meet the rest of you some day.


Hi Roger I’ve always liked …

Hi Roger,

I’ve always liked your skills behind the console. How much do you get involved in the live production on a daily basis? Is it a difficult transition going from studio monitors to PA systems? Do you ever get out and show the guys at the mixing board a thing or two?

I think that I’ve seen you guys (and Steve) every time that you’ve come through Albuquerque (and one time that DP cancelled I had my tickets of course), and now you’re coming again this month.


Dear Roger Glover May I …

Dear Roger Glover,
May I ask you, will there be
any anniversary remasters to album Perfect
Strangers this year or any DVD
releases like Perks And Tit,

From Russia, Alexander


Roger I am a fellow …

I am a fellow bass player, progressing beyond beginner status finally, and i’m wondering how to begin writing my own tunes. Bought a cheap old rust bucket with 6 strings on it to try and get some chord progressions going. Do you write entire songs by yourself, or would you leave certain parts open to the rest of the band you’re playing with.