- the official site


Hi Roger Hope you’re fine …

Hi Roger! Hope you’re fine!
What I want to know is: I’ve once heard you were eventually interested to write a book about DP with your own aspects. Is there any chance you write it? Or is it just a gossip?
Kindly regards,


Hi Mr Roger Glover greetings …

Hi Mr. Roger Glover, greetings from Mexico!!! i’m Humberto sandoval

I want to ask you something (that’s why i’m writing this), i’m very disappointed, because, i’ve had noticed that deep purple were playing here in Mexico…….but then, for reasons, that i don’t know, you didn’t perform ?what happened??would you mind to come back someday? and, i know you are a very busy fellow but, i’ll be SO happy if i get some answer, please that’s all, it’s been a pleasure to “meet you”.


Hi Roger I enjoy your …

Hi, Roger. I enjoy your Website, as well as Ian Gillan’s. But the best Purple site is, yet the organizers of that site keep stating that they need money or they’re going to have to shut it down. Don’t the members of DP support it…it would seem logical, since it’s such a comprehensive, quality site.//Rog, do you keep in touch with Ritchie Blackmore at all?


Hello Roger when cruising on …

Hello Roger!
when cruising on the net looking for Purple -bootlegs from 1970’s,i came across a recording from 1973. it was yours and Gillans last night with the band,that is 1973-06-29. it was a bootleg with the complet show(omit the encoures) very good sound. my question is:what was going through your head that night? did you think about the future or was it just another gig?


Having been involved with making …

Having been involved with making pieces of music that are looked on by the public as ‘classics’, are you aware when you first hear the song and lay down the track that ‘this is something special’?

I was involved in international sports for many years and remember those feelings when everything went right and winning was involved. The same amount of effort went in as on the days when it didn’t work out like the text book.