- the official site

Messages from Roger Glover



In case youʼre interested Iʼve just made a fresh coffee and am ensconced before my computer, wanting to post something on the website, and wondering what it might be. As you may have noticed, Iʼm not one who cares to bleet or twog like some, several times a day even. Where do they find the time? My time is spent, as it happens, just like yours – second by second, hour by hour, etc… and itʼs a precious commodity.



2013 is almost over. And what a banner year it has been – Now What?! has made its mark and stormed up many a chart around the world giving the band a positive springboard for next year. Touring is over for the year and we had some killer gigs and a lot of fun – London, Paris and St Petersburg stand out but that’s not to diminish any of the others at all; every gig is valued.


Still Life

My daughter Gillian Glover has a new CD out. It’s called Still Life With Music. If you’ve heard any of my last two solo recordings then you will know what an original voice she has. If you’ve heard her debut album, Red Handed, then you will also know that she has a talent for writing beautiful and inspiring lyrics. But don’t just take my word for it; after all, I’m her proud dad.


J.J. Cale RIP

One evening in the early 70s, I was at my friend Kent’s place, down by the canal in Uxbridge, with Roger Brewer and Ron Quinten. We were relaxing, smoking some weed and listening to music, when I heard something that blew me away. It was an album called Naturally and I got completely taken with it. Every song was a masterpiece.



I have apologized to my band mates and I apologize to all that were at the Bonn concert, I am sorry I wasn’t there. I’m deeply indebted to Nick Fyffe for taking over at incredibly short notice.

I have a shoulder injury. Unfortunately, an attempt to relieve the discomfort unexpectedly had the opposite effect for a few days and I couldn’t use my arm.